Об этом сообщил заместитель Мэра Москвы в Правительстве Москвы Петр Бирюков.
Об этом сообщил заместитель Мэра Москвы в Правительстве Москвы Петр Бирюков.
Das Coronavirus bestimmt Politik und Alltag.
He also said that some city trails, golf courses will begin opening Saturday — but not Runyon Canyon.
Yasak sonrası uçuş taslağı hazırlandı.
I de sidste år har en række kommuner været oprørte over en fejl i udligningssystemet, der betød, at 71 kommuner mistede millioner af kroner. Det retter udligningsreformen op på.
Носителям русского языка.
The Association of Caribbean Media Workers (ACM) has reminded regional governments that the battle against coronavirus (COVID-19) is a war that has to be waged through data and information that are accurate and timely.
Prime minister tells The Sun doctors gave him 'liters and liters of oxygen' to keep him alive.
Boarding will now take place in groups of 10.
Almanya Başbakanı Angela Merkel, yeni tip koronavirüse karşı aşı geliştirilmesi için yaklaşık 8 milyar euronun toplanması gerektiğini söyledi.